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How the sequence copy past is really working?

Posted: Thu 22 Jul 2010 14:38
by olczak
Working in a Cue creating several sequences, I wanted to copy the created sequences to past it in the same cue in order to have the same fixture movement but be able to change just the color (it is an example). Let's say I have created sequence1 to sequence10, copy the 10 sequence in one copy action and past these 10 after the sequence10. I was expecting that the same sequence order will be copied (sequence1 being copied as sequence11, sequence2 being copied as sequence12, sequence3 being copied as sequence13 etc etc).But I noticed that sequence1 has been copied as sequence3, sequence 2 as sequence4 etc etc.....I noticed too that, using mass copy function (I mean selecting several sequences for the copy), once pasted the 2 sequences are really linked: If I copy sequence1 to 10 and past it, then re-organize it to get sequence 1 to 10 and then the copies to be sequence11 to 20, if I modify the color in sequence11, the color is modified too in sequence1 !! So the copy-past within the same cue loose any interest....
Do you have a document explaining further how the copy-paste options are managed?

Re: How the sequence copy past is really working?

Posted: Fri 6 Aug 2010 12:12
by lumidesk
I need to test I will give you an answer in a few
